Strategic vision

The changes in shopping habits and technological transformations under way are having a major impact on the consumer goods market. 

This environment further emphasises the importance for brands and retailers to connect with their consumers and bring them a smoother and more personalised shopping experience.

Our Mission

As an expert in marketing and communication, HighCo supports brands and retailers in accelerating the transformation of retail.

Our values

Four strong values unite and drive Group employees every day


Ambition Daring Foresight 

Innovation is at the heart of our DNA, deeply embedded in the technology of our businesses, and guiding the way we work with clients, our acquisition strategy and our managerial policy.


Drive Outperformance Engagement 

Passion for clients, passion for hard work, passion for creation. Passion also drives Group employees when they come together to meet sports challenges or volunteer in social and community initiatives. 


Trust Listening Responsibility 

To help employees grow, get involved in good causes, or limit the impact of our actions on the environment, respect is a core value at HighCo. 


Efficiency Excellence Pragmatism 

Performance is about more than financial results to guarantee the Group’s long-term development. Performance is about creating impactful campaigns and satisfying our clients. 


Didier Chabassieu

Chairman of the Management Board

Cécile Collina-Hue

Managing Director and member of the Management Board

Jonathan Campos

Financial and CSR Director

Nicolas Cassar

Marketing and Communications Director

Carine Génovèse

Human Resources Director

Olivier Hublau

Managing Director HighCo Data France

Bruno Laurent

Chairman HighConnexion

Gilles Mannoni

Acquisitions Director

Renaud Ménérat

Managing Director Useradgents

Géraldine Myoux

Managing Director HighCo Shopper

Vincent Pillet

Managing Director Useradgents



Creation of HighCo by Frédéric Chevalier in Aix-en-Provence around the visionary idea that new technologies would revolutionise marketing and communication.



Created in 1990 by Frédéric Chevalier, Richard Caillat and Didier Chabassieu, HighCo has developed around the precursor vision that communication and marketing would go digital. In 30 years, this strategy has built HighCo into a leader in data marketing and communication. In 2019, the Group took a further step in its innovation policy by creating an agile business facilitator, the startup studio HighCo Venturi. Its mission is to provide brands and retailers with digital solutions to support the experience and buying behaviour of their consumers.


HighCo is created by Frédéric Chevalier in Aix-en-Provence.


HighCo's IPO on the Nouveau Marché of Euronext.


1999 WPP, a global leader in communications, takes a 30% stake in HighCo’s capital.


Richard Caillat is appointed Co-Chairman of the Group. HighCo sets up a Compensation Committee.


HighCo improves its governance by forming an Audit Committee.


The Management Board and Supervisory Board adopt Internal Regulations.


Richard Caillat is appointed Chairman of the Management Board. Frédéric Chevalier becomes Chairman of the Supervisory Board.


The Executive Committee is set up.


The Group’s Ethics Charter is rolled out.


Didier Chabassieu is appointed Chairman of the Management Board. Richard Caillat becomes Chairman of the Supervisory Board.


Acquisition of MILKY, specialist in social networks and mobile innovation.


Acquisition of CapitalData, integrator and developer of big data solutions.


Acquisition of 100% of USERADGENTS, mobile first digital agency.


Creation of the Startup Studio HighCo Venturi


Acceleration of the digital strategy: sale of Shelf Service in Belgium

Loyal clients for 30 years