“Exemplary behaviour and respect form part of HighCo’s strong founding values. They have also been reiterated in our Ethics Charter, applicable to all Group employees.
The Law of December 9, 2016, “on transparency, anti-corruption and the modernisation of the economy”, known as Sapin II, as well as the Waserman Law of March 21, 2022 and its implementing decree relating to whistleblowers, lead us to go even further.
These laws aim to prevent and detect corruption and influence peddling in France and abroad.
The HighCo Group has therefore adopted an Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct in 2018, designed to combat all forms of corruption.
We invite all employees to take note of its update and to scrupulously respect it, as non-compliance is punishable.
At the same time, HighCo has updated its whistle blowing system.
It enables all Group employees, and more generally any individual, whether a member of HighCo’s staff or not, its shareholders, members of management or supervisory bodies, as well as external and/or occasional collaborators, and co-contractors and sub-contractors, to notify, in total confidentiality, any acts or situations that contravene the Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct, as well as any other serious acts and breaches of the Law. The details and procedure to follow can be found on HighConnect [the HighCo Group’s internal social network] and on our HighCo website.
I’m counting on each one of you to become familiar with this procedure and to follow it, as this will help us to maintain a relationship of trust with our partners and customers.”
Cécile Collina-Hue
Managing Director and member of the Executive Board
Anti-corruption code of conduct
Whistle blowing system in France
Whistle blowing system in Belgium and Spain
Gifts and hospitality Policy in NL
External personal data protection policy