Keolis Lyon, Sytral: Sell tickets by SMS

Facilitate access to single bus tickets during the health crisis

APHP: Covid push SMS

Set up a responsive system to notify people when their test results are ready

Picadeli: Discount card

Use HighConnexion’s WalletPass solution to distribute Picadeli’s discount card

Foundation for Medical Research: Regular donations via mobile

Set up a system for users to make regular donations via direct carrier billing, a real alternative to card payments that lets donors opt for monthly direct debits

Groupe Ouest France: Festi Loto games

Boost subscriber loyalty, collect data, increase kiosk sales and generate additional revenue

Viacom CBS: Multi-channel gaming platform

Expand programme audiences, engage viewers, and collect opt-in data

Antenne Réunion: multi-channel gaming platform

Enable magazines to promote their brand and engage their subscribers on radio stations and gaming agencies