Mindoza and But present the ugly Christmas mask

Get people talking about But at a key point in the year... and help everyone find ways not to mask their good mood during the (unusual) 2020 holiday season.

Keolis Lyon, Sytral: Sell tickets by SMS

Facilitate access to single bus tickets during the health crisis

Carl’s Junior: New restaurant front

How to emerge on the very competitive French market where many US chains are active

APHP: Covid push SMS

Set up a responsive system to notify people when their test results are ready

Picadeli: Discount card

Use HighConnexion’s WalletPass solution to distribute Picadeli’s discount card

Foundation for Medical Research: Regular donations via mobile

Set up a system for users to make regular donations via direct carrier billing, a real alternative to card payments that lets donors opt for monthly direct debits

Casino Group: Back-to-school campaign

Create a preference for Casino Group chains and engage consumers in a key period

Lay’s: Online game

Design a Candy Crush-type mobile game to engage consumers, build brand awareness and add to the database

U: Business action plan

Super U stores think of you every day simply by offering you deals!